Simplify data fetching in SvelteKit with page endpoints

Page endpoints are a new way to simplify fetching data from endpoints in SvelteKit. They reduce the amount of code needed to fetch data, and prevent to forget handling HTTP errors.

Since SvelteKit landed, we can create JavaScript (or TypeScript) files in src/routes folder that export functions corresponding to HTTP verbs, called endpoints. For instance, they can be used to serve a RSS feed.

Endpoints were mostly used to return data needed by pages. An endpoint was usually mapped to a page, and looked like this:

// src/routes/writing/index.json.ts
import type { RequestHandler } from '@sveltejs/kit';
type GetResponseBody = {
articles: BlogPost[];
export const get: RequestHandler<never, GetResponseBody> = async () => {
const blogPosts = await getBlogPosts();
return {
// 👇 Return data need by the page, here a list of articles.
body: {
articles: blogPosts

And in the page, we had to fetch the data from the endpoint:

<!-- src/pages/writing/index.svelte -->
<script context="module" lang="ts">
import type { Load } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import type { WritingPreview } from '$lib/types';
// 👇 Export a `load` function to fetch article list when page is loaded.
export const load: Load = async ({ fetch }) => {
const response = await fetch('/writing.json');
// 👇 We need to handle errors, such as endpoint not found.
if (response.ok === false) {
return {
error: new Error('Could not get article list'),
status: 500
const { articles } = await response.json();
return {
props: {
articles: articles as WritingPreview[]
<script lang="ts">
// 👇 The list of articles we fetched from the endpoint.
export let articles: WritingPreview[];
{#each articles as article}
<a href={`/writing/${article.slug}`}>

We had to write a lot of code to fetch article list inside load function and we had to handle explicitly HTTP errors. This is this part of the code that is now simplified.

permalinkUsing page endpoints

First, we need to rename the endpoint file from src/routes/writing/index.json.ts to src/routes/writing/index.ts. Please note we removed .json from the name. The endpoint, which is now called a page endpoint, needs to have the same name as the page it is mapped to, except the extension. Otherwise, the file is not modified.

Now, in the page, we can delete all the code related to article list fetching inside load function:

<!-- src/pages/writing/index.svelte -->
<!-- No more script[context="module"] with load function -->
<script lang="ts">
// The load function is now implicit.
// 👇 We receive all the keys of the body as properties
export let articles: WritingPreview[];
<!-- ... -->

The boilerplate we had to write to make a request to the endpoint is now gone!

You can read more about page endpoints in SvelteKit documentation. The issue which led to the implementation of this feature is also quite interesting. Remix seems to have been an inspiration for it. What is really cool is that not only GET method is supported, but all HTTP verbs are, which allows to handle form submissions in a really neat way. But this will be the subject of another blog post!

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